My A-spec Christmas List

Every year after I realized I’m aroace (3 years ago) I’ve written an aspec poem inspired by a Christmas song for the start of December and this is this year’s poem! I was inspired by the song “My grown up Christmas List”. The photo has nothing more to do with this than it’s a photo of my cat when I decorated my house for December this week.
Do you remember me 
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you with all
my wishes, dreams & fantasies
I had a vision of how
my future was going to be

Well I’m all grown up now
I’m the same but now I know
It’s not me who needs to change
Instead, trying to renew
my perspective on everything

I’m aroace and yeah
it can be hard to accept sometimes
But my heart still can dream
For both myself and others in need
Here is my aspec Christmas list!

For all aspecs to know and learn:
You’re not broken but good as you are!
You’re valid and there’s nothing wrong with you

For aspecs to be less invisible
For aros to not be forgotten anymore
For more diverse representation

No more fear of loneliness
Everyone would have a QPR
or one or plenty of friends

Ace & aro community to be seen
and recognized over the world
Everyone would have the right to be
who they truly are inside

There doesn’t need to be
something wrapped under the tree
The greatest gift of all is when
we validate each other’s humanity

I’m all grown up now
I’m the same but now I know
It’s not me who needs to change
Instead, trying to renew
my perspective on everything

I’m aroace and yeah
it can be hard to accept sometimes
But my heart still can dream
For both myself and others in need
Here is my aspec Christmas list!