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About me

My name is Elin and my pronouns are she/her. I live in Sweden and I was born in 1983. In December of 2020, when I was 37 years old, I finally picked up books to read about asexuality. While reading about that I also came to know about aromanticism. Once I had pushed my prejudices about asexuality aside and read about what it really meant I had no problem identifying as ace. Aromanticism was a word I hadn’t seen before but I immediately recognized myself! So in my late 30s I learnt these new things about me and started the overwhelming, life changing process of seeing my life from another perspective.

This blog was started as a try to put this experience into words. English is not my first language and even if I will write about the things I’ve learnt this blog is not a website for education about sexual and romantic orientations. There is no organization behind me and I’m not to be seen as representative of the aspec community. I’m just an individual writing for her own sake, and I’m making a blog out of it in case it could be of interest for someone else as well.

I’m a person who is affirming of all of lgbtq+ identities and orientations and I want to be inclusive and an ally. The intention when I write is to be respectful and openminded, but if I make mistakes, use words in an incorrect way or unintentionally comes across as disrespectful in any way I want to apologize in advance. I hope readers will contact me if that happens so I can correct my mistakes.

I’m a christian, a christian who’s affirming to all parts of the lgtbq+ even before I realised I’m aroace myself. The church community I grew up in unfortunately wasn’t openminded like that, so in this blog I might also write about my experiences with that.

This blog is going to be personal and (I think) poetic. I’ll try to express my thoughts and feelings. If anything I write sounds vague and unclear, and you as a reader don’t understand what I mean please just keep that in mind. I’m trying to put personal experiences, thoughts and feelings into words to help myself through this process of seeing my life in a different perspective. You’re more than welcome to follow me on a part of this journey, if you would like to!

I also share my life with Abbe, who is my cat. He will probably be mentioned in this blog a few times as well.